
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

notes from Creation Seminar part 2b (cont.)

Creation Seminar: Part 2B
October 28, 2007

The Garden of Eden (Part 4)

Humans and dinosaurs were contemporaries in time
Other fossilized items found: An iron and wood hammer (Yes, man knew how to use iron before the Flood. See Genesis 4:22 – Tubal-cain used brass and iron). A bell, a gold chain, an iron pot, a zinc and iron vessel, a clay doll, a 2,000-year-old battery, etc.
Coal formed at the time of the Flood (not during the so-called carboniferous period)
People knew about electricity a long time ago: batteries, electro-plating
The Smithsonian hides evidence that goes against the evolution theory
Before the Flood, God told people what to eat – they had the perfect diet (see Genesis 1:29). The herbs (vegetables), fruit, and the seeds.
Seeds contain an important vitamin: B17 (this may actually be a cancer cure!). This can found in apricot seeds, etc.
Many diseases can be cured by a simple vitamin. These are called deficiency diseases: Scurvy – vitamin C (1753); Beriberi – vitamin B (1882); Pellagra – B complex (1920); Rickets – vitamin D; Cancer – B17 + C?
Psalm 104:14-15 (eat herbs for the service of man, and bread to strengthen man’s heart).
1 Timothy 6:10
Bread used to contain vitamin E, Lecithin and Omega-3 fatty acids. These all keep the heart strong and the circulation system working right. These items were removed from bread so that it could sit on the store shelf longer without spoiling! (“The whiter the bread, the quicker you’re dead!”)
2 basic philosophies of health and medicine:
 Drug Therapy. Diseases should be treated with drugs (evolution approach). This approach treats the symptom, not the cause.
 Nutrition Therapy. The body was designed by an all-wise Creator. He designed the food supply to provide for our needs. (Creation approach).
Leviticus 17:15 (wash your hands!)
2 basic philosophies of law and government:
 Evolution. Laws come from man’s opinion. Rights are granted by the government. The government should be an all-powerful provider. Democracy (always become totalitarian/dictatorship). They want universal health care.
 Creation. Laws come from the Creator. Rights are “unalienable.” The government should be limited to the punishment of evildoers and defense. Constitutional Republic.
Genesis 1:30 (before the Flood, every person and animal ate plants).
Genesis 9:1-2 (after the Flood, we could eat meat).
“God made a perfect world, and man wrecked it!”
Romans 8:18, 22
Romans 5:12 (“Wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin…”).
Isaiah 11:6 (one day God is going to fix the world back to way he created it)
Isaiah 65:20; Revelation 20:4
Isaiah 65:17, 2 Peter 3:13, Revelation 21:1 (new heavens and new earth)
1 Corinthians 2:9
Electromagnetic Spectrum
2 Corinthians 12:2-4 (“caught up to the third heaven”); Philippians 1:23-24
If you are saved, what are you doing for Lord?

notes from Creation Seminar part 2b

Creation Seminar: Part 2B
October 21, 2007

The Garden of Eden (Part 3)

Genesis 1:26 (man is created in God’s image). Evolution teaches that we are getting better and will one day be god! But the Bible teaches that we were made in God’s image and that we are actually getting worse!
What about “cave men?” There are people living today who happen to live in caves!
Nebraska Man (all that was found was 1 tooth – and they made an entire man and his wife!) The tooth actually came from a pig. [Nebraska Man = a pig]
Piltdown Man – 1912 (somebody took a human skull and an ape’s jaw, filed them down to fit together, and fooled everybody). This fraud was officially exposed in 1956 in Reader’s Digest – the article was titled “The Great Piltdown Hoax.”
Neanderthal Man – 1856 (really just an old man with arthritis)
The bones of your eyebrow ridge never stop growing. So if a person was alive for hundreds of years, they would have a very pronounced eyebrow ridge.
Cro-Magnon Man (not a “missing link” – totally modern human in every respect).
Australopithecus Africanus – 1924 (was proven wrong in 1973)
Australopithecus Afarensis / “Lucy” – 1974 (“discovered” just in time, Johanson’s grant money was going to run out!). Lucy was 3 feet tall and obviously a chimpanzee of some kind. The supposed knee joint was found 1 ½ miles away and 200 feet deeper. Not 1 foot bone or hand bone was found, but the St. Louis Zoo displays human hands and feet on Lucy (for evolution indoctrination). “Misrepresentation” = lie.
Evolution is a hindrance to common sense and to scientific research. It is counter-productive to science.
Peking Man – 1920’s (found in a cave with tools and crushed monkey bones). People aren’t told that there were remains of at least 10 humans found with them.
Homo Erectus / Java Man / Pithecanthropus Erectus – 1891 (put together from an ape’s skullcap, 3 human teeth and a thigh bone found a year later 50 feet away). Most likely a giant gibbon. 2 human skulls found in the same area were kept hidden.
Orce Man (actually a fragment from a donkey’s skull)
A dolphin’s rib had been labeled as a human collarbone – this was exposed by an evolutionist.
If you want to read more about all of the supposed “cave men,” read Bones of Contention by Marvin L. Lubenow
Most states have laws requiring textbooks to be accurate. Some even state that “a teacher shall not deliberately suppress or distort subject matter.”
Romans 1:22 (“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools”).
If you find a fossil in the dirt, all you know is that it died. You don’t know that it had any kids, and certainly can’t prove that it had different kids.
Where does the “Stone Age” fit into the Bible? After the Flood – people had to quickly make tools from stone (the only thing available quickly) in order to make shelter, hunt food, etc.
Before the flood, people AND animals were living longer and growing BIGGER. Examples:
 the hornless rhinoceros
 a donkey near Lubbock, Texas was 9 feet high at the shoulder
 buffalo with horn spans of 12 feet wide
 elk with 12 foot antlers
 10 foot tall kangaroos
 giant sloth
 giant wombat
 a 1,545-pound guinea pig
 13 foot tall birds
 a goose that was as tall as an elephant and weighed half a ton (1,000 lbs)
 8 foot long beavers (there were bigger trees, so you needed bigger beavers!)
 6 foot long salamanders
“Prehistoric” was made up (added to the dictionary) about a hundred years ago. You can’t have a period of time as “pre-history.” We have had history since Day 1 (in the beginning…)!
Insects also grew larger in the pre-Flood days. Their size is determined by the amount of oxygen they can get (and the air pressure). Examples:
 dragonfly with 50-inch wingspan
 cockroaches over 18 inches long
 centipede measuring 8 ½ feet long
 grasshoppers over 2 feet long
 tarantula with a 3-foot leg span
Plants also grew larger in the pre-Flood days. Fossil cattails have been found 60 feet long.
Fish could grow larger too. Examples:
 80 foot long sharks (Megalodon). Jaws had a 25-ft shark.
 11 foot wide oysters weighing 600 pounds
Petrified clams have been found on Mount Everest
Reptiles never stop growing. What would happen if a reptile lived for 900 years in the pre-Flood days? You’d have a big lizard (dinosaur!)
Dinosaur bones and human bones have been found together. (also check out the Ica stones of Peru). Dinosaur and human footprints have been found together (example: Glen Rose, TX).

notes from Creation Seminar part 2a (cont.)

Creation Seminar: Part 2A
October 14, 2007

The Garden of Eden (Part 2)

2 Peter 3:5 (the earth was standing out of the water and in the water). At creation there was a canopy of water or ice above the atmosphere = canopy theory.
Isaiah 40:22 (the earth is round)
God stretched out the heavens.
There was also water in the crust of the earth (see Psalm 24:1 and Psalm 136:6)
Genesis 7:11-12 (the fountains of the deep broke open at the beginning of the global flood)
The earth still has cracks where it broke open during the time of the flood (fault-lines and plates)
There is enough water in the oceans, that if you flattened out all of the land, the water would cover the earth 1 ½ miles deep!
An 80-foot Apatosaurus has the same size nostrils as a horse. How could it have gotten enough air? The canopy before the flood would have created an increase in air pressure and richer oxygen content. (Check out what a hyperbaric oxygen chamber can do).
Human artifacts are sometimes found inside coal: a bell, an iron pot, a sole of a shoe, etc.)
Genesis 1:29 (plants and trees originally covered all of the earth – unlike today, where 70% of earth is under water)
Only 3% of the earth is habitable for man (the rest is under water, a desert, under ice caps, covered with tundra or treeless mountain ranges)
What we see today is not what Adam and Eve saw. God formed the earth to be inhabited (Isaiah 45:18).
The canopy above the atmosphere would block out UV light, x-rays and other harmful rays from the sun (X-rays are particularly dangerous in long-term exposure). The sun actually x-rays us every day of our lives (except on cloudy days, or through concrete or water). Our skin constantly has to fix the damage caused by these rays. Eventually we begin to lose this battle and we begin to wrinkle.
The average age before the Flood: 912 years; today: 70-80 years. People before the Flood, due to the increased oxygen content and higher air pressure, would not have wrinkled – thus they would not look ‘old’ like people do today.
Robert Wadlow was 8’-11 ¼” tall (that is not much shorter than Goliath of the Philistines – see 1 Samuel 17:4). An Italian coal miner skeleton was 11’-6” tall. A man in the Ukraine grew up to 8’-7”. The Roman Emperor Maximinus was 8’-6”. A skeleton in Indiana was 9’-8”. Two skeletons were found in Nevada about 9’ tall. Twenty skeletons found in Louisiana were all fully 9’ tall. A skeleton in Nevada in 1931 was nearly 10’ tall. Etc… Museums (especially the Smithsonian) are not interested in these skeletons because they teach evolution – which teaches that we supposedly started out smaller, not bigger!
Only one bone will grow back in the human body if it is removed: the lower rib!
Check out the huge stones of Baalbek, Lebanon.
In the country of Turkey near Mount Ararat, the government says they found the grave of Noah and that the skeleton was 12’ tall. That would make a very large cubit!
Genesis 6:4 (There were giants in the earth in those days)
Genesis 1:26&27 (we are made in God’s image)

notes from Creation Seminar part 2a

Creation Seminar: Part 2A
October 7, 2007

The Garden of Eden (Part 1)

Colossians 1:16; Matthew 19:14; Mark 10:6; Romans 5:12; 1 Corinthians 15:21-22
Adam was the first man (1 Corinthians 15:45)
Questions to be covered: What was it like before the Flood came? How can a man live to be over 900 years old? Have people seen living dinosaurs? (People used to have a different name for dinosaurs: dragons). What was the original creation like? What did people eat before the Flood came? Where did all the water from the Flood come from? Where did it go? Where there really giant people over 10 feet tall? (Genesis 6:4).
2 Peter 3:3 and 3:4 – Did you know that there are people who scoff at the Bible? They are “willingly ignorant” (dumb on purpose)
Everything obeys the voice of God (except people)
2 Peter 3:6 (referring to the global Flood)
2 Peter 3:7 (referring to the coming Judgment of mankind)
The scoffers are ignorant of 1) The Creation, 2) The Flood, and 3) The coming Judgment
Genesis 1:1&5 – the first day (not “one day” or “a day”)
The “Gap Theory” was made up in 1814 by a Scottish preacher named Thomas Chalmers
Genesis 1:2 (“unformed and unfilled”); Jeremiah 4:23-25 (this passage does not refer to the Creation); Exodus 20:11; Exodus 31:17; Genesis 2:2&3; Hebrews 4:4 (“the seventh day”).
Lucifer could not have fallen before the Creation!
Romans 5:12&14; 1 Corinthians 15:21-22 (there was not death before Adam’s sin)
Death is an enemy (see 1 Corinthians 15:26). Plants don’t “die” in the biblical sense: they wither and they fade…more on future videos
Genesis 1:28 (“replenish” used to mean “to fill” in 1611 when this passage was translated). English words change meanings all the time. (James 2:3; Romans 1:13)
Psalm 119:89 (God promised to preserve His Word – He did not promise to preserve the English language)
Ezekiel 28:12-15 tells when Lucifer fell from heaven (he was created, he was in Eden, he was in Eden until he sinned). Eden was made after Adam was created. See also Ezekiel 28:2-5, 17 and Job 38:4&7. Angels must have been made on Day 1 or Day 2.
Everything was good at the end of the creation week – so Lucifer could not have become evil until some time later.
Revelation 21:1 (we are still on the first earth, we are waiting for a new heaven and earth)
Angels were made to be ministering spirits (Hebrews 1:13-14); so if you are a Christian, you have guardian angels
Problems with the “Gap Theory”:
 It was invented in 1814 by Thomas Chalmers
 It violates scriptures: Gen. 1:5; Gen. 2:2-3; Ex. 20:11; Heb. 4:4)
 It puts death before Adam’s sin (violates Rom. 5:12; 1 Cor. 15:21)
 It has satan fall before Day 7 (violates Gen. 1:31; Gen. 2:8; Ezek. 28:12-15)
Questions to ask “Gap Theory” believers:
 Was there death before Adam’s sin?
 When did satan fall?
 Was satan already the “god of this world” when God gave Adam dominion over the earth?
 Thousands of species of living animals are found as fossils. Did God re-create these?
 When God said everything was “very good” was satan evil and were Adam and Eve standing on thousands of dead plants and animals?
 Wouldn’t Noah’s Flood have erased all evidence of the “billions of years” taught in the gap theory?
 What did God mean in Exodus 20:11 and 31:17?
 Does everyone who reads the Bible need some ‘guru’ to tell them what the Bible says?
 Why can the word “let” in Romans 1:13 change meanings in 400 years, but the word “replenish” cannot?
 Why do you need a gap? What took place during this time?
 Why does Revelation 21:1 state that the earth we live on now is the “first” earth if it really is not?
 Was Adam “the first man” as 1 Corinthians 15:45 says?
“Day-Age Theory”: is a “day” really a “long period of time”? (refer to Psalm 90:4; 2 Peter 3:8).
God is not locked into (limited by) time, space, and matter like we are. Therefore there is no time before creation (God created time).
Genesis 1:11-19
No professor of Hebrew believes that the word “day” in Genesis 1:1-11 means anything other than 1 literal 24-hour day.
There are 3 meanings of the word “day”: a 24-hour day, about 12 hours of day (time), and the day of the Lord.
Hutton (1795), Chalmers (1814), and Darwin (1859)
75% of all children raised in Christian homes who attend public schools will reject the Christian faith by their first year of college ( – video: Let My Children Go)
Genesis 1:6 (what is a firmament?); Genesis 1:20 (the birds fly in the firmament – the first heaven)
Genesis 1:14&16 (the sun, planets and stars are in the second heaven)
2 Corinthians 12:2 (God lives in the third heaven)
Psalm 19:1
Genesis 1:7 – there was water under and above the “sky” (firmament). See also Psalm 148:4.

notes from Creation Seminar part 1b (cont.)

Creation Seminar: Part 1B
September 30, 2007

The Age of the Earth (Part 4)

More scientific examples for the fact that the creation cannot be more than a few thousand years:
 No deserts are much more than 4,000 years old. The oldest desert, the Sahara Desert has a prevailing wind pattern which causes the desert to grow (desertification).
 Oil: oil wells can have up to 20,000 psi. This pressure can’t be held underground/rock for more than 10,000 years. So why do we still have oil wells?
o In 1971, oil was made in 20 minutes from organic waste
o In 1996, a plant was built in Australia to create oil from sewage sludge in 30 minutes
o In 2003, turkey guts and other waste was turned into crude oil in about 30 minutes
 Ice at the north and south poles (there’s not enough for the earth to be billions of years old!)
Ice core drilling in Greenland. The rings are not annual layers. (The lost squadron)
The geologic column does not exist [more to come on future video]
Petrified trees are found standing up connecting the supposed rock layers of the geologic column (see Spirit Lake near Mount St. Helens)
Wood petrifies quickly. Fossilization is not a slow process.
The oldest tree on the planet: bristlecone pine. It is only 4,300 years old. (Tree ring dating is not an exact science – trees often produce more than one ring per year).
Coral reef: The Great Barrier Reef in Australia. After studying it for 20 years, scientists determined that the Great Barrier Reef is less than 4,200 years old.
Niagara Falls is eroding backwards about 4.7 feet per year. If the earth is millions or billions of years old, then it should have eroded much farther than it has.
The oceans are gradually getting saltier. Today they are about 3.6% salt. This percentage could have been reached from fresh water in less than 5,000 years.
Cave formations (stalactites and stalagmites) form quickly, not over millions of years. [Lincoln Memorial; refrigeration shed in Florida; building in Indiana; mine in Australia; 13-inch stalactite grew in 7 years in Florida; parking garage in Texas school; “Tepee Fountain” (1903)].
The rate of erosion of the continents would erode flat in 14 million years.
Origin of major writing systems. The oldest appears to have started about 3,000 B.C. The oldest languages were modern, sophisticated and complete.
The year 2000 was 4700 on the Chinese calendar (maybe they started with the birth of Shem or Noah before the flood)
The year 2000 was the year 5760 on the Hebrew calendar.
The Bible is absolutely correct. Scientific evidence for a young earth is overwhelming.
75% of all children raised in Christian homes who attend public schools will reject their Christian faith by their first year of college. “It’s very easy to get brainwashed.”
Matthew 19:4 (the creation of Adam was the beginning)
Colossians 2:8 [Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ].
Let’s summarize:
 God made the world.
 He owns it.
 He makes the rules.
 We are all guilty of breaking God’s rules.
 We will be punished, or we must find a substitute to take our place: Jesus

notes from Creation Seminar part 1b

Creation Seminar: Part 1B
September 23, 2007

The Age of the Earth (Part 3)

Genesis 1:1; When was the beginning?
Colossians 1:16a [For by him (Jesus) were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth…]
Matthew 19:4; Mark 10:6
Death came into the world because of man’s sin (see Romans 5:12; 1 Corinthians 15:21-22). Adam’s sin also affected plants and animals (see Genesis 3:17-19; Romans 8:18-22)
The Bible is really clear on this: Adam was the first man (1 Corinthians 15:45) and Eve was the mother of all living (Genesis 3:20)
If you add up the dates from the Bible, you will find that the creation was about 4,000 BC
Textbooks are changing “BC” to “BCE” (Removal of Christ from the schools)
Jesus said that the creation of Adam was the beginning. These are the choices:
 Was Jesus lying? or
 Did Jesus not understand modern “science?” or
 Was Jesus right?
Hebrews 1:10
Who did Adam’s sons marry? (see Genesis 4:16-17; Genesis 5:4)
[Noah saved 2 of each kind of animal, not species]
Adam’s sons married sisters:
 There was no other choice. No one would have thought it was wrong, anyway.
 Who would you report them to? They were the only people in the world.
 There was no law against it until 2,500 years later (Moses). There was no need for the law until then (see Leviticus 18:6-18).
 There were no genetics defects yet. Genetic similarity was not a problem (Besides, Adam married his rib!).
Noah’s father, Lamech, could have personally known Adam. Noah’s son, Shem, could have known Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Genesis 47:8-9
Some Christians even teach that the earth is billions of years old: Hugh Ross, Don Stoner, Gerald Schroeder, Navigators, James Dobson, Dake’s & Schofield Study Bibles, Pat Robertson, John Ankerburg, Benny Hinn, John Hagee, Lee Strobel, Hank Hanegraff, Chuck Colson, Norman Geisler, Billy Graham, etc.
What difference does it make? It makes a giant difference: If you have billions of years, you will have death before sin. This is a heresy. (see Romans 5:14; 1 Corinthians 15:21-22)
Who cares about the age of the earth?
 The credibility of the book of Genesis is at stake. The average person reading this book is not going to find billions of years in there!
 The credibility of Jesus is at stake. Jesus cited Genesis 25 times.
 Nearly every other book of the Bible refers to Genesis (200 times in the NT alone).
 The evolutionists care: Their entire theory looks silly without “billions of years” to hide it in.
John 5:46-47
The world is not overcrowded! The entire world’s population (6 billion people) could fit inside Jacksonville, Florida (twice!). “If it’s overcrowded where you live: move!” If the evolutionists were right, and man has been here for 3 million years, there could be 150,000 people per square inch!
God formed the world to be inhabited (see Isaiah 45:18)
The New World Order wants to reduce the world’s population to one half billion. That’s satan’s goal: to kill all of humanity to thwart God’s plans. [Check out the “Georgia Guide Stones” in Elberton, GA; Look up Chemtrails at].
The human population growth chart shows that people have only been here about 4,400 years (the population started over with 8 after the global flood).
Scientific examples for the fact that the creation cannot be more than a few thousand years:
 The moon is gradually getting farther away from the earth (a couple inches a year). This means that the moon used to be closer to the earth – this affects tides.
 Comets are constantly losing material; they can’t keep losing material forever. (There is no Oort cloud). You can’t prove the non-existence of something.
 Earth’s magnetic strength continues to decline (Carbon dating can’t work for more than a few thousands years). There are no magnetic reversals.
 The earth’s spin is gradually slowing down – about 1/1000 second every day. This means that the earth used to be spinning faster
Does the Bible match Evolution? Not at all – they are totally opposites:
 Bible: Earth was created before the sun; Evolution: the sun was formed before the earth
 Bible: Oceans were created before the dry land; Evolution: Oceans formed after the land
 Bible: Light existed before the sun was created; Evolution: the sun came before the light
 Bible: Land plants were created first; Evolution: marine life came first
 Bible: Fruit trees were created before fish: Evolution: Fish came about before fruit trees
 Bible: Fish were created before insects; Evolution: Insects evolved before fish
 Bible: Plants were created before the sun; Evolution: the sun formed before plants
 Bible: Marine mammals were created before land mammals; Evolution: Land mammals evolved before marine mammals
 Bible: the Atmosphere was created between 2 layers of water; Evolution: atmosphere is only above the water
 Bible: Man brought death into the world; Evolution: death brought man into the world
 Bible: God created man; Evolution: Man created God
Couldn’t God have used evolution to create? Not the God of the Bible! (cruel, wasteful & retarded)
Meditate on what God can do, not what man can do
The theory of Pangaea – the continents are not like lily pads (If you take the water out of the oceans you will notice there is dirt underneath!)

notes from Creation Seminar part 1 (cont.)

Creation Seminar: Part 1
September 16, 2007

The Age of the Earth (Part 2)

About 6,000 years ago God created the heaven and earth (everything!)
Creationists believe…in the beginning God; Evolutionists believe… in the beginning dirt
It is not science vs. religion, it is 2 religions against each other
Conservation of Angular Momentum
The “Big Bang” in the Bible [2 Peter 3:10] “the heavens shall pass away with a great noise”
The Big Bang theory is ludicrous for numerous reasons
Second Law of Thermodynamics: Everything tends toward disorder (nothing gets better by itself)
Hebrews 1:10-11, Psalm 102:26, and Isaiah 51:6
Evolutionists assume that adding energy (open system) will overcome the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
 The universe is a closed system
 Adding energy is destructive without a complex mechanism to harness the energy
Energy from the sun is destructive to everything except for chlorophyll in plants. This very complex molecule can harness the sun’s energy. One leaf cell is more complex than a city or a space shuttle.
Evolution violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics – therefore evolution is wrong
“Millions (billions) of years ago” translates into “long ago and far away” (fairy tale coming next!)
Barbara Reynolds article: “Your kids go ape in school? Here’s why…they are being taught evolution”
What you believe determines how you behave
Proverbs 8:36 […all they that hate me (God) love death.]
Kids are being taught that there are no absolutes (are you absolutely sure?)
If you are an atheist (evolutionist), how do you tell right from wrong?
It is really easy to determine right from wrong as a Christian: “Thus saith the Lord…” (found 413 times in the Bible
Leviticus 19:28
“Many people do not seem to know, or do not care what God’s Word says.”
Teachers can teach creation in public schools if they want to. It just can’t be required.
ACLU spreads lies about this topic
Matthew 18:6 [But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”]
James 3:1
Indoctrination of evolution in the textbooks began in the 1950’s after the Soviet Union launched the first satellite (Sputnik) – Russia was beating us in the space race. Americans were taught that the Soviets were ahead of us in science because they taught evolution. What does evolution have to do with putting up a satellite?!
After the textbooks were rewritten to include much more evolution, the United States saw a rise in premarital sex, STD’s, unwed birth rates, pregnancies, divorce, child abuse, drug use, violent crimes
2 Timothy 1:2; God will use any who ask.
Exodus 20:14; Hebrews 13:4; Matthew 5:28
Columbine High School shooters were believers in evolution (shooting took place on Hitler’s birthday, shirt read “Natural Selection”, followers of Nazi teaching, shot one student because he was black…)
Frog into Prince fast – Fairy Tale. Frog into Prince (human) slowly – Modern Science (?)
If the majority of scientists believe in something (evolution), that does not mean it is true
Leviticus 17:11

notes from Creation Seminar part 1

Creation Seminar: Part 1
September 9, 2007

The Age of the Earth (Part 1)

BIBLE: “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
1 Peter 3:15
Evolution is not science – it’s a religion
Kent’s goals for this seminar:
 1] To strengthen your faith in God’s Word;
 2] If you are not saved, to convert you (or at least make you rethink your faith in evolution); and
 3] If you are saved and are not doing much for Lord, to make you feel uncomfortable
Four great questions every religion tries to answer:
 Who am I (and what I am I worth)?
 Where did I come from?
 Why am I here?
 Where I am going when I die?
Humanist (Evolution) Worldview vs. Creationist (Intelligent Design) Worldview
Genesis 3:1 – satan tries to raise doubt in God’s Word
Genesis 3:4 – satan denies God’s Word
Genesis 3:5 – satan lies to Eve by deifying Man: “ye shall be as gods…”
The Mormon Church (
Past Catholic theologians taught that Man can become God (
Isaiah 14:13 - Lucifer wants to be God
Genesis 1:26-27 – satan hates us because we are made in God’s image
Adolf Hitler quotes:
 “If you tell a lie long enough, loud enough and often enough, the people will believe it.”
 People are more likely to believe a big lie than a small one.”
“How do you know you won’t like it if you don’t try it?”
Poison mixed in with the science books
Dinosaur Adventure Land in Pensacola, Florida
Galatians 5:17 - Scientific way to shoot a rubber band
“Evolved” is a very tricky word
Six meanings of the word evolution (only one is scientific):
 Cosmic evolution – “Big Bang”
 Chemical evolution – origin of other elements past hydrogen
 Stellar & Planetary evolution
 Organic evolution – origin of life from non-living matter
 Macro-evolution – change from one kind of animal to another
 Micro-evolution – changes/variations within the kinds. This DOES happen.
1st Law of Thermodynamics: “Matter cannot be created or destroyed.” So how did the world get here? There are only two choices:
 Somebody made the world (God created the world like the Bible says)
 The world made itself (the universe is self-existing and not created according to Humanists) – the Big Bang Theory
“My Big Bang is a lot different than your Big Bang!”
Universe: uni = single, verse = spoken sentence. We live in a single spoken sentence: “God said Let there be…” [Genesis 1:3].

PSALM 27:14 (Bible memorization verse #5)

Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. (NIV)


Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord. (KJV)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

HEBREWS 11:1 (Bible memorization verse #4)

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. (NIV)


Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (KJV)

1 CORINTHIANS 16:14 (Bible memorization verse #3)

Do everything in love. (NIV)


Let all your things be done with charity. (KJV)

Friday, October 19, 2007

ROMANS 10:13 (Bible memorization verse #2)

For, everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. (NIV)


for, whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (KJV)

JAMES 4:10 (Bible memorization verse #1)

Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up. (NIV)


Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up. (KJV)

This is the first of many to come of Bible verses that I plan (hope) to memorize during the coming days and weeks. I will add at least one additional verse each week, typically from a different book of the Bible.