
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

notes from Creation Seminar part 2a (cont.)

Creation Seminar: Part 2A
October 14, 2007

The Garden of Eden (Part 2)

2 Peter 3:5 (the earth was standing out of the water and in the water). At creation there was a canopy of water or ice above the atmosphere = canopy theory.
Isaiah 40:22 (the earth is round)
God stretched out the heavens.
There was also water in the crust of the earth (see Psalm 24:1 and Psalm 136:6)
Genesis 7:11-12 (the fountains of the deep broke open at the beginning of the global flood)
The earth still has cracks where it broke open during the time of the flood (fault-lines and plates)
There is enough water in the oceans, that if you flattened out all of the land, the water would cover the earth 1 ½ miles deep!
An 80-foot Apatosaurus has the same size nostrils as a horse. How could it have gotten enough air? The canopy before the flood would have created an increase in air pressure and richer oxygen content. (Check out what a hyperbaric oxygen chamber can do).
Human artifacts are sometimes found inside coal: a bell, an iron pot, a sole of a shoe, etc.)
Genesis 1:29 (plants and trees originally covered all of the earth – unlike today, where 70% of earth is under water)
Only 3% of the earth is habitable for man (the rest is under water, a desert, under ice caps, covered with tundra or treeless mountain ranges)
What we see today is not what Adam and Eve saw. God formed the earth to be inhabited (Isaiah 45:18).
The canopy above the atmosphere would block out UV light, x-rays and other harmful rays from the sun (X-rays are particularly dangerous in long-term exposure). The sun actually x-rays us every day of our lives (except on cloudy days, or through concrete or water). Our skin constantly has to fix the damage caused by these rays. Eventually we begin to lose this battle and we begin to wrinkle.
The average age before the Flood: 912 years; today: 70-80 years. People before the Flood, due to the increased oxygen content and higher air pressure, would not have wrinkled – thus they would not look ‘old’ like people do today.
Robert Wadlow was 8’-11 ¼” tall (that is not much shorter than Goliath of the Philistines – see 1 Samuel 17:4). An Italian coal miner skeleton was 11’-6” tall. A man in the Ukraine grew up to 8’-7”. The Roman Emperor Maximinus was 8’-6”. A skeleton in Indiana was 9’-8”. Two skeletons were found in Nevada about 9’ tall. Twenty skeletons found in Louisiana were all fully 9’ tall. A skeleton in Nevada in 1931 was nearly 10’ tall. Etc… Museums (especially the Smithsonian) are not interested in these skeletons because they teach evolution – which teaches that we supposedly started out smaller, not bigger!
Only one bone will grow back in the human body if it is removed: the lower rib!
Check out the huge stones of Baalbek, Lebanon.
In the country of Turkey near Mount Ararat, the government says they found the grave of Noah and that the skeleton was 12’ tall. That would make a very large cubit!
Genesis 6:4 (There were giants in the earth in those days)
Genesis 1:26&27 (we are made in God’s image)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh for heaven's sake. X-Rays are NOT stopped by CLOUDS.

Saying that X-rays are stopped by clouds is like saying that a sheet of paper will stop a brick.

Why do you think doctors wear lead and hide in a leaded room when they take pictures of your bones?

It isn't fashion sense, that's for darned sure.