
Thursday, November 08, 2007

final comments about "republic" and "democracy"

My dictionary does not state that "a republic is one form of a democracy."

A REPUBLIC is a form of government; and

A DEMOCRACY is a form of government.

Just because you type something on your computer and post it on the internet does not make it a fact.

Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language lists the following as definition number one for DEMOCRACY: "government by the people, directly or through representatives." It also translates the original Greek words as meaning "the people + to rule." So a democracy is supposed to be a government ruled by the people. This could also be considered "mob rule" or "rule by the majority."

Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language lists the following as definition number one for REPUBLIC: "a state or government, specif. one headed by a president, in which the power is exercised by officials elected by the voters." This sounds more like what the U.S. is to me: we have a president, and we, as voters, elect officials (congress).

The original posting certainly had nothing to do with our current president, so there isn't any reason to cry about President Bush here. Feel free to create your own blog to spout anti-Bush, anti-government, or anti-Fox News ramblings. As you know, President Bush is not a synonym for Government. The low ratings of the president are not any worse than for congress, which has the other party as the majority anyway. Besides, President Bush will be done in over a year, so it is pointless to keep whining about him. I'm not here to talk about politics, so please leave this topic to other sites.

Focus on the future, not the past.

Can this country return to how it was originally set up? No. Should we dwell on this fact? No. Should we paint a revisionist view of U.S. history for our own agenda? No.

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