Dinosaurs and the Bible (Part 1)
For the past 200 years, some Christians have been confused as to how dinosaurs fit into the Bible
Some Christians have compromised the clear teaching of the Bible in order to accommodate the dinosaurs: such as the gap theory, the day-age theory, progressive creation, or theistic evolution
Genesis 1:1; Exodus 20:11. If God made everything in 6 days, then Adam and Eve must have seen dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are big lizards that lived in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. (They did not live millions of years ago!)
Were there dinosaurs on Noah’s ark? The big dinosaurs were very large – but Noah didn’t have to bring on fully grown dinosaurs (bring on babies!). The biggest dinosaur egg ever found is smaller than a football. Why bring babies:
They are smaller
They weigh less
They eat less
They sleep a lot more (so they are easier to take care of)
They are tougher
After the Flood, they will live longer to produce more offspring
God told Noah to bring 2 every sort/kind or animal on the ark, not species (see Genesis 7:14-15)
Genesis 7:22 (only animals in whose nostrils was the breath of life, and those on dry land). Noah did not have to bring any fish on the ark. Noah did not have to bring any bugs/insects on the ark because bugs don’t have nostrils – they breath through their skin.
Remember: God made the kinds and God told Noah how big to build the ark – so I think he had it figured out how to fit everything on the ark!
Genesis 6:11-14
So far, about 270 flood legends have been found throughout the world (Hawaiian: Nu-u; Chinese: Fuhi; Toltec Indians in Mexico: Coxcox)
Mt. Ararat in Turkey (on a Turkish map it is translated as Noah’s big boat)
Genesis 8:4 (the ark came to rest in the seventh month upon the mountains of Ararat). There are four theories about the location of Noah’s ark:
It was taken apart and the lumber was used for buildings (you’d have to wait awhile for the trees to grow after the Flood!)
It rotted
It is still on the mountain
It is in the valley
It may have originally come to rest in a village called Kazan (which means village of eight). The Turkish government says it is there and has even built a visitor center nearby.
Genesis 6:15 (the length of the ark shall be 300 cubits, which is from elbow to fingertip). This would be about 2/3 the size of the Titanic and 2 football fields long
Also near Kazan, 8 drogue stones were found (anchor stones to help a boat stay stabilized during a storm). These large stones are thought to have been from Noah’s ark. Noah’s ark is also thought to have had a moon pool in the center.
What happened to the dinosaurs when everything got off the ark? (Satan loves to use dinosaurs as one of his favorite tools because kids love them!). There are 16 theories as to what happened to the dinosaurs: (an asteroid(s) struck the earth and killed off the dinosaurs, the dinosaurs killed themselves off with their own flatulence [methane gas], etc.)
They are asking the wrong question. The question is not, “What made the dinosaurs go extinct?” The question is, “Did they go extinct?” Liberals are great at getting us to argue about the wrong subject. Another example would be, “Should creation be taught in public schools?” vs. “Should we have public schools?”
Children do not belong to the state, they belong to God and he entrusted them to parents. Parents should decide what God wants them to be taught.
Dinosaurs leaving the ark faced a new world with a more hostile climate. Many probably died from the climate changes within the first few hundred years after the Flood.
Dinosaurs had two problems after the Flood: 1) the climate changes, and 2) people now hunted them
Dinosaurs were called dragons. There are thousands of legends of people seeing or killing dragons. The word “dinosaur” was invented in 1841 by Sir Richard Owen. So for most of history, these large lizards were known as dragons.
Dragons are mentioned in the Bible 34 times (you’ll have to look in the King James Version): Deuteronomy 32:33
Man killed off dragons (dinosaurs) for many reasons:
For meat
Because they were a menace
To be a hero: save the village from the dragon!
To prove his superiority
Competition for the land – drive them away or kill them
Medicinal purposes (many ancient recipes call for dragon blood, bones, saliva)
Why would the Chinese calendar have 11 real animals and one “mythical” dragon? Could it be that at the time they came up with these symbols, they were 12 real animals?
Isaiah 14:29 (a fiery flying serpent)
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