
Monday, November 12, 2007

notes from Creation Seminar part 3A and 3B

Creation Seminar: Part 3A and 3B
November 11, 2007

Dinosaurs and the Bible (Part 2)

Isaiah 14:29 (the fiery flying serpent)
The famous Greek historian Herodotus wrote of winged serpents in 440 B.C. Josephus also wrote about serpents. The Anglo Saxon Chronicle from 793 A.D. mentions fiery flying dragons.
Leviathan was a fire-breathing dragon. The Book of Job talks about it in Job 41:19-21.
The ancient city of Babylon was rebuilt by Saddam Hussein. Saddam thought he was Nebuchadnezzar reincarnated (or at least a descendant of). The original walls of Babylon have carvings of lions and dragons on them from 2600 years ago.
Alexander the Great talked about dragons when he conquered parts of India in 326 B.C. Also see Roman mosaics from 2nd century A.D.; St. George slaying a dragon in 275 A.D.; Beowulf slew many dragons and was killed while fighting one in 583 A.D.; an Irish writer told of a large beast similar to a dinosaur in 900 A.D.; a Viking carving of a dragon swallowing a man from the 11th century A.D. and Viking ships often had a head of a dragon from 1000 A.D.; the Norway legend of Siegfried who slew the dragon Fafnir; etc.
Marco Polo lived in China for 17 years around 1271 A.D. and reported that the emperor raised dragons to pull his chariots in parades. In 1611 the Chinese emperor appointed the post of a “Royal Dragon Feeder.” Why would you need a Royal Dragon Feeder unless there were dragons?
“Scientists” can’t agree on how old the earth is:
 70,000 years old: George Buffon in 1770
 2 billion years old: 1902
 3.5 billion years old: 1969
 4.6 billion years old: today
 At these age changes, the earth is getting older at the rate of 21 million years per year! (or 40 years per minute). So obviously none of the above ages are correct. All you have to do is read the Bible to determine the real age of the earth.
Indians in the U.S., Australia, and Canada all have drawn paintings showing dragons/dinosaurs.
In Peru, giant images have been found in the Nazca desert (spider). “Ancient people” were not stupid/ignorant. Also check out the Ica Stones which show dinosaurs on them (and other strange things). People had to have seen dinosaurs in order to know what their skin looked like. You can’t tell what skeleton’s skin looked like unless you’ve seen one alive. Fossilized dinosaur skin was found, confirming that there was often circular patterns on their skin, as shown on some of the stones
Recently un-fossilized, soft dinosaur tissue was found (2005)
Roman artifacts have been found in Arizona (1925). The Romans came across the Atlantic to America way before Columbus did. Columbus was not the first “white man” across the ocean. Brendan the Navigator came from Ireland to America in 500 A.D. Hebrew coins have been found in Ohio. There was trade back and forth the Atlantic during the time of Christ. A huge 80-ton stone in New Mexico showed the 10 Commandments on it from 500-600 A.D. (Someone must have come across the ocean to try to evangelize America 1500 years ago!).
Legends of giant octopuses have existed for a long time. One washed up on the beach in Florida that was 200 feet across and weighed 5 tons. Large squid have also been found. In New Zealand, a baby squid washed ashore that if full grown would have been 150 feet long.
Are dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible? [START OF SESSION 3B]
The Book of Job. Job 1:1. Job was very wealthy. The Book of Job was probably written after the Flood, but during the time when people still lived around 400 years. Job was quite a guy. After he lost everything, including his 10 kids, Job said, “the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” Do you do that when bad things happen to you?
Ephesians 5:33
Yes, tragedy comes to good people. Read Romans 8:28 (…all things work together for good…)
The Christian life: Keep Your Heart Right with God. (Read Jeremiah 17:9)
Be careful about getting Bible doctrine from the Book of Job (the book accurately records what Job’s three friends said, but some of what they said are lies).
God understands everything that you even thought about. (1 Chronicles 28:9). “The Lord understands all the imaginations of the thoughts…” And, God knows the thoughts of man (Psalm 94:11). In Luke 11:17, it states that Jesus knew people’s thoughts. Luke 11:17 is one of many verses in the Bible that proves that Jesus is God Almighty in the flesh! Just think about this: God knows your thoughts, and loves you anyway!
Science is very slowly catching up with parts of the Bible. “Springs of the sea,” or in the sea (Job 38:16) – scientists didn’t know that there were springs in the sea until 1977, but it’s in God’s Word. “Light” dwells in a “way.” It is always moving – it doesn’t stay in one place (see Job 38:19). The opposite is true about darkness, there is a speed of light, but the speed of darkness is zero. Darkness cannot move.
Christians should be “the children of light and of the day” (1 Thessalonians 5:5). Be on the move – do something for the Lord!
Matthew 16:18
Job 38:24 (this verse is saying that light causes the wind to move). This is true; sunlight causes the wind patterns.
Job 38:35 (is God saying that we can use electricity to send a message?)
God asked Job 84 questions and Job never answered 1. The questions were asked to change Job’s attitude (like a father to his kids).
Warning - not real scripture quotes:
 “Whosoever payeth the bills, maketh the rules!” 2 Opinions 4:7
 “The golden Rule: He that hath the gold, maketh the rules! 2 Opinions 5:9
Job 40:15 (“behold now behemoth…”). Behemoth was not an elephant or hippopotamus. Behemoth was most likely a large, long-necked dinosaur. Job 40:17 says that behemoth moves his tail like a cedar (tree!).

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