
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

notes from Creation Seminar part 5 (session 1)

Creation Seminar: Part 5
May 4, 2008

The Dangers of Evolution (Part 1) [0:00 – :]

Is Evolution a bad philosophy?
This seminar is also called “Evolution: Satan’s Religion to Destroy Humanity” and “Evolution’s Relationship to Racism, Communism, Nazism, and the New World Order”
The purpose of these seminars to is strengthen your faith in the Word of God
The Bible is literally true and scientifically accurate
One reason evolution is dangerous is because it removes all morality (we don’t want God or anyone telling us that we can’t commit adultery, etc.)
Why did Stalin order the execution of 14,700 Polish POW officers? “Prisoners of War” are supposed to be protected by the Geneva Convention.
Why did Hitler order the execution of at least 6 million Jews?
Why did Pol Pot, the leader of the Khmer Rouge from 1975 to 1979, execute over a third of the entire Cambodian population?
Why were Australian aborigines treated like animals and thousands killed in the 1800’s?
Why did Kip Kinkle kill his parents and fellow students at Thurston High School in 1998?
There have been 29 school shootings in the U.S. since 1996 (as of 2005)
Evolution is not just dumb, it’s dangerous! Evolution removes all morality. Evolution says “there is no right or wrong” – might becomes right.
John 8:32
Satan has a plan and God has a plan
God’s plan:
1. Fill his Creation with people,
2. Obey His laws,
3. Live in peace,
4. Use the preaching of his Word to win souls, and
5. Go to live forever with him in heaven
Satan’s plan:
1. Reduce the human population to zero (he hates humanity!)
Cont. – watch the DVD!

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