Creation Seminar: Part 2B
October 21, 2007
The Garden of Eden (Part 3)
Genesis 1:26 (man is created in God’s image). Evolution teaches that we are getting better and will one day be god! But the Bible teaches that we were made in God’s image and that we are actually getting worse!
What about “cave men?” There are people living today who happen to live in caves!
Nebraska Man (all that was found was 1 tooth – and they made an entire man and his wife!) The tooth actually came from a pig. [Nebraska Man = a pig]
Piltdown Man – 1912 (somebody took a human skull and an ape’s jaw, filed them down to fit together, and fooled everybody). This fraud was officially exposed in 1956 in Reader’s Digest – the article was titled “The Great Piltdown Hoax.”
Neanderthal Man – 1856 (really just an old man with arthritis)
The bones of your eyebrow ridge never stop growing. So if a person was alive for hundreds of years, they would have a very pronounced eyebrow ridge.
Cro-Magnon Man (not a “missing link” – totally modern human in every respect).
Australopithecus Africanus – 1924 (was proven wrong in 1973)
Australopithecus Afarensis / “Lucy” – 1974 (“discovered” just in time, Johanson’s grant money was going to run out!). Lucy was 3 feet tall and obviously a chimpanzee of some kind. The supposed knee joint was found 1 ½ miles away and 200 feet deeper. Not 1 foot bone or hand bone was found, but the St. Louis Zoo displays human hands and feet on Lucy (for evolution indoctrination). “Misrepresentation” = lie.
Evolution is a hindrance to common sense and to scientific research. It is counter-productive to science.
Peking Man – 1920’s (found in a cave with tools and crushed monkey bones). People aren’t told that there were remains of at least 10 humans found with them.
Homo Erectus / Java Man / Pithecanthropus Erectus – 1891 (put together from an ape’s skullcap, 3 human teeth and a thigh bone found a year later 50 feet away). Most likely a giant gibbon. 2 human skulls found in the same area were kept hidden.
Orce Man (actually a fragment from a donkey’s skull)
A dolphin’s rib had been labeled as a human collarbone – this was exposed by an evolutionist.
If you want to read more about all of the supposed “cave men,” read Bones of Contention by Marvin L. Lubenow
Most states have laws requiring textbooks to be accurate. Some even state that “a teacher shall not deliberately suppress or distort subject matter.”
Romans 1:22 (“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools”).
If you find a fossil in the dirt, all you know is that it died. You don’t know that it had any kids, and certainly can’t prove that it had different kids.
Where does the “Stone Age” fit into the Bible? After the Flood – people had to quickly make tools from stone (the only thing available quickly) in order to make shelter, hunt food, etc.
Before the flood, people AND animals were living longer and growing BIGGER. Examples:
the hornless rhinoceros
a donkey near Lubbock, Texas was 9 feet high at the shoulder
buffalo with horn spans of 12 feet wide
elk with 12 foot antlers
10 foot tall kangaroos
giant sloth
giant wombat
a 1,545-pound guinea pig
13 foot tall birds
a goose that was as tall as an elephant and weighed half a ton (1,000 lbs)
8 foot long beavers (there were bigger trees, so you needed bigger beavers!)
6 foot long salamanders
“Prehistoric” was made up (added to the dictionary) about a hundred years ago. You can’t have a period of time as “pre-history.” We have had history since Day 1 (in the beginning…)!
Insects also grew larger in the pre-Flood days. Their size is determined by the amount of oxygen they can get (and the air pressure). Examples:
dragonfly with 50-inch wingspan
cockroaches over 18 inches long
centipede measuring 8 ½ feet long
grasshoppers over 2 feet long
tarantula with a 3-foot leg span
Plants also grew larger in the pre-Flood days. Fossil cattails have been found 60 feet long.
Fish could grow larger too. Examples:
80 foot long sharks (Megalodon). Jaws had a 25-ft shark.
11 foot wide oysters weighing 600 pounds
Petrified clams have been found on Mount Everest
Reptiles never stop growing. What would happen if a reptile lived for 900 years in the pre-Flood days? You’d have a big lizard (dinosaur!)
Dinosaur bones and human bones have been found together. (also check out the Ica stones of Peru). Dinosaur and human footprints have been found together (example: Glen Rose, TX).
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