
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

notes from Creation Seminar part 1

Creation Seminar: Part 1
September 9, 2007

The Age of the Earth (Part 1)

BIBLE: “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
1 Peter 3:15
Evolution is not science – it’s a religion
Kent’s goals for this seminar:
 1] To strengthen your faith in God’s Word;
 2] If you are not saved, to convert you (or at least make you rethink your faith in evolution); and
 3] If you are saved and are not doing much for Lord, to make you feel uncomfortable
Four great questions every religion tries to answer:
 Who am I (and what I am I worth)?
 Where did I come from?
 Why am I here?
 Where I am going when I die?
Humanist (Evolution) Worldview vs. Creationist (Intelligent Design) Worldview
Genesis 3:1 – satan tries to raise doubt in God’s Word
Genesis 3:4 – satan denies God’s Word
Genesis 3:5 – satan lies to Eve by deifying Man: “ye shall be as gods…”
The Mormon Church (
Past Catholic theologians taught that Man can become God (
Isaiah 14:13 - Lucifer wants to be God
Genesis 1:26-27 – satan hates us because we are made in God’s image
Adolf Hitler quotes:
 “If you tell a lie long enough, loud enough and often enough, the people will believe it.”
 People are more likely to believe a big lie than a small one.”
“How do you know you won’t like it if you don’t try it?”
Poison mixed in with the science books
Dinosaur Adventure Land in Pensacola, Florida
Galatians 5:17 - Scientific way to shoot a rubber band
“Evolved” is a very tricky word
Six meanings of the word evolution (only one is scientific):
 Cosmic evolution – “Big Bang”
 Chemical evolution – origin of other elements past hydrogen
 Stellar & Planetary evolution
 Organic evolution – origin of life from non-living matter
 Macro-evolution – change from one kind of animal to another
 Micro-evolution – changes/variations within the kinds. This DOES happen.
1st Law of Thermodynamics: “Matter cannot be created or destroyed.” So how did the world get here? There are only two choices:
 Somebody made the world (God created the world like the Bible says)
 The world made itself (the universe is self-existing and not created according to Humanists) – the Big Bang Theory
“My Big Bang is a lot different than your Big Bang!”
Universe: uni = single, verse = spoken sentence. We live in a single spoken sentence: “God said Let there be…” [Genesis 1:3].

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