
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

notes from Creation Seminar part 1b (cont.)

Creation Seminar: Part 1B
September 30, 2007

The Age of the Earth (Part 4)

More scientific examples for the fact that the creation cannot be more than a few thousand years:
 No deserts are much more than 4,000 years old. The oldest desert, the Sahara Desert has a prevailing wind pattern which causes the desert to grow (desertification).
 Oil: oil wells can have up to 20,000 psi. This pressure can’t be held underground/rock for more than 10,000 years. So why do we still have oil wells?
o In 1971, oil was made in 20 minutes from organic waste
o In 1996, a plant was built in Australia to create oil from sewage sludge in 30 minutes
o In 2003, turkey guts and other waste was turned into crude oil in about 30 minutes
 Ice at the north and south poles (there’s not enough for the earth to be billions of years old!)
Ice core drilling in Greenland. The rings are not annual layers. (The lost squadron)
The geologic column does not exist [more to come on future video]
Petrified trees are found standing up connecting the supposed rock layers of the geologic column (see Spirit Lake near Mount St. Helens)
Wood petrifies quickly. Fossilization is not a slow process.
The oldest tree on the planet: bristlecone pine. It is only 4,300 years old. (Tree ring dating is not an exact science – trees often produce more than one ring per year).
Coral reef: The Great Barrier Reef in Australia. After studying it for 20 years, scientists determined that the Great Barrier Reef is less than 4,200 years old.
Niagara Falls is eroding backwards about 4.7 feet per year. If the earth is millions or billions of years old, then it should have eroded much farther than it has.
The oceans are gradually getting saltier. Today they are about 3.6% salt. This percentage could have been reached from fresh water in less than 5,000 years.
Cave formations (stalactites and stalagmites) form quickly, not over millions of years. [Lincoln Memorial; refrigeration shed in Florida; building in Indiana; mine in Australia; 13-inch stalactite grew in 7 years in Florida; parking garage in Texas school; “Tepee Fountain” (1903)].
The rate of erosion of the continents would erode flat in 14 million years.
Origin of major writing systems. The oldest appears to have started about 3,000 B.C. The oldest languages were modern, sophisticated and complete.
The year 2000 was 4700 on the Chinese calendar (maybe they started with the birth of Shem or Noah before the flood)
The year 2000 was the year 5760 on the Hebrew calendar.
The Bible is absolutely correct. Scientific evidence for a young earth is overwhelming.
75% of all children raised in Christian homes who attend public schools will reject their Christian faith by their first year of college. “It’s very easy to get brainwashed.”
Matthew 19:4 (the creation of Adam was the beginning)
Colossians 2:8 [Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ].
Let’s summarize:
 God made the world.
 He owns it.
 He makes the rules.
 We are all guilty of breaking God’s rules.
 We will be punished, or we must find a substitute to take our place: Jesus

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