Creation Seminar: Part 1B
September 23, 2007
The Age of the Earth (Part 3)
Genesis 1:1; When was the beginning?
Colossians 1:16a [For by him (Jesus) were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth…]
Matthew 19:4; Mark 10:6
Death came into the world because of man’s sin (see Romans 5:12; 1 Corinthians 15:21-22). Adam’s sin also affected plants and animals (see Genesis 3:17-19; Romans 8:18-22)
The Bible is really clear on this: Adam was the first man (1 Corinthians 15:45) and Eve was the mother of all living (Genesis 3:20)
If you add up the dates from the Bible, you will find that the creation was about 4,000 BC
Textbooks are changing “BC” to “BCE” (Removal of Christ from the schools)
Jesus said that the creation of Adam was the beginning. These are the choices:
Was Jesus lying? or
Did Jesus not understand modern “science?” or
Was Jesus right?
Hebrews 1:10
Who did Adam’s sons marry? (see Genesis 4:16-17; Genesis 5:4)
[Noah saved 2 of each kind of animal, not species]
Adam’s sons married sisters:
There was no other choice. No one would have thought it was wrong, anyway.
Who would you report them to? They were the only people in the world.
There was no law against it until 2,500 years later (Moses). There was no need for the law until then (see Leviticus 18:6-18).
There were no genetics defects yet. Genetic similarity was not a problem (Besides, Adam married his rib!).
Noah’s father, Lamech, could have personally known Adam. Noah’s son, Shem, could have known Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Genesis 47:8-9
Some Christians even teach that the earth is billions of years old: Hugh Ross, Don Stoner, Gerald Schroeder, Navigators, James Dobson, Dake’s & Schofield Study Bibles, Pat Robertson, John Ankerburg, Benny Hinn, John Hagee, Lee Strobel, Hank Hanegraff, Chuck Colson, Norman Geisler, Billy Graham, etc.
What difference does it make? It makes a giant difference: If you have billions of years, you will have death before sin. This is a heresy. (see Romans 5:14; 1 Corinthians 15:21-22)
Who cares about the age of the earth?
The credibility of the book of Genesis is at stake. The average person reading this book is not going to find billions of years in there!
The credibility of Jesus is at stake. Jesus cited Genesis 25 times.
Nearly every other book of the Bible refers to Genesis (200 times in the NT alone).
The evolutionists care: Their entire theory looks silly without “billions of years” to hide it in.
John 5:46-47
The world is not overcrowded! The entire world’s population (6 billion people) could fit inside Jacksonville, Florida (twice!). “If it’s overcrowded where you live: move!” If the evolutionists were right, and man has been here for 3 million years, there could be 150,000 people per square inch!
God formed the world to be inhabited (see Isaiah 45:18)
The New World Order wants to reduce the world’s population to one half billion. That’s satan’s goal: to kill all of humanity to thwart God’s plans. [Check out the “Georgia Guide Stones” in Elberton, GA; Look up Chemtrails at].
The human population growth chart shows that people have only been here about 4,400 years (the population started over with 8 after the global flood).
Scientific examples for the fact that the creation cannot be more than a few thousand years:
The moon is gradually getting farther away from the earth (a couple inches a year). This means that the moon used to be closer to the earth – this affects tides.
Comets are constantly losing material; they can’t keep losing material forever. (There is no Oort cloud). You can’t prove the non-existence of something.
Earth’s magnetic strength continues to decline (Carbon dating can’t work for more than a few thousands years). There are no magnetic reversals.
The earth’s spin is gradually slowing down – about 1/1000 second every day. This means that the earth used to be spinning faster
Does the Bible match Evolution? Not at all – they are totally opposites:
Bible: Earth was created before the sun; Evolution: the sun was formed before the earth
Bible: Oceans were created before the dry land; Evolution: Oceans formed after the land
Bible: Light existed before the sun was created; Evolution: the sun came before the light
Bible: Land plants were created first; Evolution: marine life came first
Bible: Fruit trees were created before fish: Evolution: Fish came about before fruit trees
Bible: Fish were created before insects; Evolution: Insects evolved before fish
Bible: Plants were created before the sun; Evolution: the sun formed before plants
Bible: Marine mammals were created before land mammals; Evolution: Land mammals evolved before marine mammals
Bible: the Atmosphere was created between 2 layers of water; Evolution: atmosphere is only above the water
Bible: Man brought death into the world; Evolution: death brought man into the world
Bible: God created man; Evolution: Man created God
Couldn’t God have used evolution to create? Not the God of the Bible! (cruel, wasteful & retarded)
Meditate on what God can do, not what man can do
The theory of Pangaea – the continents are not like lily pads (If you take the water out of the oceans you will notice there is dirt underneath!)
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