Creation Seminar: Part 2B
October 28, 2007
The Garden of Eden (Part 4)
Humans and dinosaurs were contemporaries in time
Other fossilized items found: An iron and wood hammer (Yes, man knew how to use iron before the Flood. See Genesis 4:22 – Tubal-cain used brass and iron). A bell, a gold chain, an iron pot, a zinc and iron vessel, a clay doll, a 2,000-year-old battery, etc.
Coal formed at the time of the Flood (not during the so-called carboniferous period)
People knew about electricity a long time ago: batteries, electro-plating
The Smithsonian hides evidence that goes against the evolution theory
Before the Flood, God told people what to eat – they had the perfect diet (see Genesis 1:29). The herbs (vegetables), fruit, and the seeds.
Seeds contain an important vitamin: B17 (this may actually be a cancer cure!). This can found in apricot seeds, etc.
Many diseases can be cured by a simple vitamin. These are called deficiency diseases: Scurvy – vitamin C (1753); Beriberi – vitamin B (1882); Pellagra – B complex (1920); Rickets – vitamin D; Cancer – B17 + C?
Psalm 104:14-15 (eat herbs for the service of man, and bread to strengthen man’s heart).
1 Timothy 6:10
Bread used to contain vitamin E, Lecithin and Omega-3 fatty acids. These all keep the heart strong and the circulation system working right. These items were removed from bread so that it could sit on the store shelf longer without spoiling! (“The whiter the bread, the quicker you’re dead!”)
2 basic philosophies of health and medicine:
Drug Therapy. Diseases should be treated with drugs (evolution approach). This approach treats the symptom, not the cause.
Nutrition Therapy. The body was designed by an all-wise Creator. He designed the food supply to provide for our needs. (Creation approach).
Leviticus 17:15 (wash your hands!)
2 basic philosophies of law and government:
Evolution. Laws come from man’s opinion. Rights are granted by the government. The government should be an all-powerful provider. Democracy (always become totalitarian/dictatorship). They want universal health care.
Creation. Laws come from the Creator. Rights are “unalienable.” The government should be limited to the punishment of evildoers and defense. Constitutional Republic.
Genesis 1:30 (before the Flood, every person and animal ate plants).
Genesis 9:1-2 (after the Flood, we could eat meat).
“God made a perfect world, and man wrecked it!”
Romans 8:18, 22
Romans 5:12 (“Wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin…”).
Isaiah 11:6 (one day God is going to fix the world back to way he created it)
Isaiah 65:20; Revelation 20:4
Isaiah 65:17, 2 Peter 3:13, Revelation 21:1 (new heavens and new earth)
1 Corinthians 2:9
Electromagnetic Spectrum
2 Corinthians 12:2-4 (“caught up to the third heaven”); Philippians 1:23-24
If you are saved, what are you doing for Lord?
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