
Monday, June 25, 2007

Not the same God

I did a little studying of various cults about 4 years ago. I ended up purchasing a book by Walter Martin entitled The Kingdom of the Cults. This particular copy is the "Revised, Updated, and Expanded Anniversary Edition" from 1997. Appendix D discusses Islam. I thought that I'd share a short passage under the heading of Islamic Beliefs:
"At first glance, Islamic belief appears to be almost compatible with Christianity and/or Judaism. Often people claim that the Muslims believe in the same god as Christians: 'They just don't accept Jesus Christ.' However, as we shall see, the Muslim god is not like the Christian God. Islam rejects the biblical doctrines of the Trinity and the deity of Christ."
I will likely share more of this, as well as other imformation in the future. This is my attempt to share and inform people of the truth.

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