
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

notes from Creation Seminar part 4A (session 3)

Creation Seminar: Part 4A
March 30, 2008

Lies in the Textbooks (Part 3)

Charles Darwin – did you know that he graduated from bible college to be a preacher? He then went on a 5-year voyage and took with him 2 books: the Bible and Charles Lyell’s Principles of Geology. Lyell’s book changed Darwin’s life forever! He slowly lost his faith in the Bible.
“Micro-evolution” is not really part of the evolution theory – it is simply variation.
See Genesis 1 – “they bring forth after their kind.
Is evolution “change over time?” Or is it “living things have changed over time?” Or is it “a change in species over time?” This last one is the closest – species can change characteristics within their already predetermined genetic makeup (as designed by the original kinds created by God).
Science books will give you examples of micro-evolution and think that that proves that the other 5 definitions of evolution happen – none of those have even been proven or observed.
“Macro-evolution” is not just micro-evolution over a long period of time. This was agreed upon at a science conference in Chicago in 1980.
Variations happen, but 1) they have limits; 2) they produce the same kind of animal or plant; 3) the information for variation was already present – no new information is added; 4) the gene pool of the new variety is more limited than before and less able to adapt to future changes; 5) genetic information was lost, not added; 6) real evolution would require an increase in genetic complexity, not just a shift in gene frequency.
1795: Hutton’s book, Theory of the Earth made people doubt the earth was around 6,000 years old.
1830: Lyell’s book, Principles of Geology made people doubt the flood (Noah’s Flood).
1859: Darwin’s book, The Origin of Species… made people doubt the Creator.
Over the next years and decades, these lies led to the rise of Communism, Marxism, Socialism, Nazism, etc.
1 Timothy 6:20 – “O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called.”
Many people have lost their faith in God because of evolution being taught. Karl Marx “wrote a beautiful paper telling of his love for the Lord. Then he went off to college, studied philosophy, and turned his back on God.” Joseph Stalin grew up going to a Christian school before reading Darwin and becoming an atheist. (Also: Andrew Carnegie).
75% of all children raised in Christian homes who attend public schools will reject the Christian faith by their first year of college. (Check out video Let My Children Go through

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